【更新】Blizzard 釋出《星海爭霸 2》首部官方對戰影片(附解說)

(GNN 記者 RU 報導) 2008-12-21 08:00:03

  Blizzard 美國時間周五釋出《星海爭霸 2》首部官方正式對戰影片,由神族與人族進行大戰,供有興趣的玩家參考。

  影片中由《星海爭霸 2》兩位遊戲平衡設計師 Matt Cooper 與 David Kim 進行對戰,強調為研發中 Alpha 版本的遊戲內容,對戰影片達 21 分鐘。《星海爭霸 2》上市日期未定。


  Welcome to Blizzard Entertainment’s first official shoutcast for StarCraft II, which is currently in the alpha phase of development. This match features two of the StarCraft II team’s associate game balance designers, Matt Cooper and David Kim.

  歡迎收看 Blizzard Entertainment《星海爭霸 2》首部官方解說影片,目前《星海爭霸 2》已研發至 alpha 測試階段。本場比賽最大焦點便是在於雙方參賽者正是《星海爭霸 2》的遊戲平衡性設計師:Matt Cooper 以及 David Kim。

  0:00 – Cooper begins in the lower right of the map as red Protoss, while Kim starts in the top left as blue Terrans.

  0:00 – 紅色玩家 Cooper 選擇的種族是神族,位於地圖的右下方;而藍色玩家 Kim 選擇了人類,位於地圖的左上方。

  0:12 – This map is called Kulas Ravine, and some of the features of the map include a narrow choke point for access into the base.

  0:12 – 本場比賽地圖名稱為 Kulas Ravine,該圖的特點之一在於通往每個基地內部只有一個狹窄的路口。

  0:20 – There’s also an easily defended expansion area on high ground near each starting point. This expansion area is blocked by destructible rocks on two sides.

  0:20 – 在靠近各自出生點的高地區域還有一處易於防守的礦區,不過,在該礦區的兩側佈滿了可以摧毀的岩石障礙物。

  0:35 – A regular expansion point is available near each base that is easier to access but also easier for the enemy to get to as well.

  0:35 – 每個基地附近都有一處普通的礦點,該礦點雖然具有離基地較近的地理優勢,但同時也更容易遭到敵人的攻擊。

  0:50 – The middle of the map features a number of Xel’Naga watch towers, which reveal a huge area when captured by the player. Control of the towers is often critical over the course of a match.

  0:50 – 在地圖中央區域坐落著幾處薩爾納加瞭望塔,當被玩家佔領後,它可以為佔領者提供更廣闊的視野範圍。所以能否控制這些瞭望塔便成為比賽勝負的關鍵。

  1:14 – High yield expansions are also available on the map, which include high-yield mineral fields for faster resource gathering. These are highly desirable for players to control, but also difficult to defend.

  1:14 – 該地圖也擁有豐產礦點,在這些豐產礦點處擁有的高產量水晶可以讓玩家採礦速度倍增。因此,這些豐產礦點通常也是兵家必爭之地。

  1:45 – The players’ scouts are going to see each other at this early stage. The protoss player has also built an assimilator to gather vespene gas, suggesting he’ll try to quickly research the warp gate technology.

  1:45 – 對戰雙方在比賽初期就開始進行偵查彼此。同時,神族玩家已經開始建造一個氣體集化艙準備採集高能瓦斯,看來他是準備快速的提昇科技來研究建造曲間之門。

  2:20 – The protoss player has still not built any zealots from his gateway, using early resources to try and quickly build a cybernetics core for the warp gate technology. He’ll be relying on the vast size of the map to keep protected from early attack.

  2:20 –神族玩家還未從傳送門準備出任何狂熱者,而是把初期的資源利用於迅速提昇控制中心的曲間之門技術研究上。他或許是相信在較大地圖的情況下,也不必畏懼敵人初期的進攻。

  2:48 – The protoss player’s probe scout runs into a marine, but some deft maneuvering allows him to get by the marine, and gain some valuable information scouting the terran base.

  2:48 – 神族玩家的偵查兵碰見了一名陸戰隊員,不過在巧妙的操作下,偵查兵成功的躲過陸戰隊員,並探得了人類基地的相關情報。

  3:35 – The terran player is producing marauder infantry, which is a good counter to the stalkers that the protoss player is producing – the marauder’s concussion missiles do bonus damage to armored units like stalkers. The stalker can shoot ground and air, and can also be upgraded with the blink technology, which allows it to teleport short distances.

  3:35 – 人類玩家正在訓練掠奪者步兵,該兵種能有效克制異能者玩家正在傳送的潛行者,掠奪者的衝擊彈對潛行者 一人類的裝甲單位具有傷害加成的效果。而潛行者皆能對於陸空攻擊,還可以在升級了瞬現科技後進行短距離傳送。

  4:40 – The terran player is building a command center to create an expansion base. The command center, like many terran structures, can be lifted off the ground and flown – he’ll park this command center on his protected plateau expansion. The protoss player may be unaware of this expansion until he produces air units.

  4:40 – 人類玩家正在建造一個指揮中心來創建一個分基地地。和人類許多其他建築物一樣,指揮中心也能夠飛離地面並飛行 - 看來他是準備把指揮中心置放於防禦範圍內的高地分礦點。如此一來,除非神族玩家擁有空中單位,否則便很難發現這個分礦。

  4:55 – The protoss player is spending heavily on technology – another gateway and assimilator, along with a twilight council. This structure allows the protoss to build immortals, tech up to dark templars, and opens up a lot of other choices for the protoss player.

  4:55 – 神族玩家正在全力提昇科技 – 先建造了一個暮光議會的同時,又另外置放下了一個傳送門和一個氣體集化艙。有了暮光議會,神族玩家就可以召喚不朽者,進而晉升科技來整備黑暗聖殿武士,以及獲得更多其它兵種的選擇。

  5:30 – The protoss player has built a forward, or “proxy” pylon. Combined with the warp gate technology, the power radius provided by the pylon will allow the protoss player to quickly field reinforcements, further up in the battlefield, which is a big advantage.

  5:30 – 神族玩家建造了一個前方集結點,或者說是「前哨」水晶塔。在有了曲間之門技術後,神族玩家可以在水晶塔提供的能量範圍之內快速部署增援力量,更加靠近戰場的特點為神族提供了巨大的戰場優勢。

  5:50 -- The charge ability for the protoss being researched, which will allow zealots to close distances quickly, for even greater effectiveness against the marauders.

  5:50 –神族正在研究衝鋒能力,有了該能力後,狂熱者便可以憑藉閃電般的速度接近敵人,即便在面對掠奪者時也絲毫不會處於下風。

  6:15 – Superior numbers and a little bit of maneuvering allow the protoss player to win an early battle.

  6:15 –壓倒性的兵力數量再配合點熟練的操作,狂熱者的存在足以讓神族玩家在比賽初期就能贏得勝利。

  6:40 – The protoss player attempts to push into the terran base, but is repelled easily when two marauders unexpectedly join the fight from the rear.

  6:40 – 神族試圖衝進人類基地,但兩名掠奪者出乎意料地從後方殺來,導致神族的這次進攻無功而返。

  7:05 – More zealots warp in to continue pressure on the terran player. The zealots are much more dangerous against the marauder, as the concussion missiles don’t do as much damage against lightly armored units like zealots.

  7:05 –為了持續對人類施加壓力,更多的狂熱者被傳送至戰場。人類的掠奪者形勢危險,因為他們的衝擊彈對於狂熱者這種輕型護甲單位來說效果不大。

  7:30 – The zealots’ charge ability allows it to more easily chase down and destroy the slower-moving mauraders.

  7:30 –擁有衝鋒能力的狂熱者在追擊移動速度慢的掠奪者時,很明顯的佔了優勢。

  7:50 – The zealots attack straight into the line of terran scvs, trying to kill as many as possible to slow down the terran resource gathering. The scvs fight back and eventually repel the attack but not before a number of scvs are destroyed. The protoss player now has 33 gatherers compared to the terrans’ 25.

  7:50 –狂熱者直向人類的工程兵進攻,試圖盡可能消滅工程兵從而癱瘓人類的資源採集。雖然工程兵奮力還擊抵擋了這次進攻,但是兵力損失慘重,與神族的 33 名採集單位相比,人類只剩下了 25 名工程兵。

  8:20 – The protoss player is still apparently unaware of the terran expansion base, but has begun his own expansion and is building a robotics facility for higher tech units.

  8:20 –神族明顯仍未發現人類的分基地,不過他們也已開始擴張自己的資源,並正在建造機械研究所來繼續研發更高科技兵種。

  8:45 – Another zealot attack sweeps into the scv line of the terrans. Marines retreat from the front line to defend as the scvs run for safety. Newly built marauders help fend off the attack.

  8:45 –又一波狂熱者進攻掃向了人類的工程兵。在工程兵疏散的同時,陸戰隊員也從前線撤回進行防守,剛訓練出的掠奪者也立即加入了戰鬥。

  9:30 – The terran player makes a push on the protoss proxy pylon, looking to destroy it and alleviate some of the pressure on his base. The marauders kite the first wave of defenders away but newly-warped-in units finish off the terran attack. Warp-in technology is allowing the protoss player to maintain control of the middle of the map.

  9:30 – 人類玩家決定衝向神族的「前哨」水晶塔,打算摧毀這個傳送點以便減輕自身基地的防守壓力。雖然掠奪者攻守兼顧的消滅了第一波的敵對防守兵力,但是最新傳送至前線的神族部隊抵擋住了人類的反撲。得益於曲間傳送科技的掌握,神族玩家仍然保持著自己對地圖中心地帶的控制權。

  10:30 – The protoss player has completed an expansion. Two robotics facilities are up, and a colossus unit is being built. The colossus can be upgraded to have siege range, can walk up and down cliffs, and has an area effect beam, but it’s not particularly effective against marauders.

  10:30 – 神族玩家的分基地已經建好,兩座機械研究所也已就緒,巨像也正在建造中。巨像不僅能夠升級建造科技,使得玩家能夠擁有攻城射程。而且它可以跨越懸崖地形並使用有範圍傷害的光束武器,但卻對於掠奪者沒有太大的效果。

  11:05 – A protoss observer, a cloaked, flying unit, has scouted the terran expansion.

  11:05 –神族的隱形飛行單位— 偵察艇,發現了人類的分基地。

  11:35 – The protoss player brings zealots, stalkers, and a colossus to attack the terran expansion base. Since the terran player has control of the watch tower, he’s well aware of the impending attack and is struggling to break through rocks on the other side to bring defenders into play.

  11:35 – 神族集結了狂熱者、潛行者以及巨像的混合部隊,準備攻擊人類的分基地地。然而人類玩家控制的瞭望塔警覺到了威脅的逼近,並正全力打通自己一方的岩石障礙以圖及時前往防守。

  11:55 – The colossus walks right up the cliff and scatters the terran scvs, but the marauders break through the rocks just in time to take out the colossus before it does much damage.

  11:55 – 巨像越過了懸崖地形並開始肆意灼燒人類的工程兵,好在掠奪者打通了岩石障礙並及時消滅了巨像,避免了損害的擴大。

  12:15 – Terran hellion vehicles sneak into the probe line of the protoss expansion. The area-effect flame attack of the hellion is very effective against light units. After taking out a couple probes, the protoss player warps in a stalker, chasing the hellions into a freshly-built colossus.

  12:15 – 人類的地獄戰車偷偷的進入了神族分基地的工程兵。地獄戰車具有範圍傷害的火焰攻擊,對於攻擊輕型單位來說十分有效。在兩名偵查兵被消滅後,神族玩家立即向分基地地傳送了一名潛行者,隨即將地獄戰車逼退到了一個剛剛建造完成的巨像腳下……

  12:35 – Zealots and stalkers attack the cluster of terran scvs, killing a few of them off before being chased away by marauder and scv attack.

  12:35 – 狂熱者和潛行者攻擊著人類的工程兵部隊,在消滅了一小部分工程兵後,迫於工程兵的還擊和掠奪者的追擊重大壓力,他們選擇了撤退。

  13:00 – The terran player is researching cloak for banshee air units. The banshees can attack ground units and cloak themselves, making them invisible to all units but detectors like the protoss observer and photon cannon.

  13:00 – 人類玩家正在研究女妖轟炸機的隱匿科技。女妖轟炸機不僅可以攻擊地面單位而且還能將自身隱匿起來,從而使神族的所有單位無法發現它們,但在類似光子炮塔這類的反隱建築或單位面前就沒有效用了。

  13:30 – Terran infantry and hellions make a push against the protoss position in the middle of the map. As the protoss player retreats to an elevated position, his zealots get stuck behind the stalkers, rendering them unable to attack. The terrans eventually destroy the proxy pylon.

  13:30 – 人類混合編制了步兵和地獄戰車,準備朝地圖中央區域的神族部隊推進。當神族玩家順勢將部隊後撤到一處地形升起的區域時,卻不小心將狂熱者堵在了潛行者的身後,以至於延誤了戰機。最後,人類得以成功地摧毀了「前哨」水晶塔。

  14:00 – Two stalkers try to sneak into the terran expansion for harassment, but a newly-built banshee is able to fend off the attack because of careless control by the protoss player.

  14:00 – 兩名潛行者試圖潛進人類的分基地進行騷擾,不過由於神族玩家操作疏忽,被一架新生產的女妖轟炸機以一敵二而被消滅。

  14:30 – Zealots and a pair of colossus force the remaining terran infantry in the middle to retreat.

  14:30 – 若干狂熱者與兩個巨像的進攻,迫使地圖中央的剩餘人類部隊選擇了撤退。

  15:00 – The terrans regroup with more hellions and marauders, while the protoss try to set down another expansion in the high-yield mineral area.

  15:00 – 人類重新集結了更多的地獄戰車和掠奪者,而此時神族則試圖在一片豐產礦區域建造另一個分基地。

  15:25 – Terran banshees head toward the protoss expansion for harassment while an scv wanders the map, scouting for other expansion bases.

  15:25 – 人類派出了女妖轟炸機前往神族的分基地進行騷擾,同時派出的一名工程兵正在地圖中偵查其它可能存在的神族分基地。

  16:00 – The terrans discover a second protoss expansion in the high-yield area. The protoss player lays down a few photon cannon defenses as the terran army moves in. The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.

  16:00 – 人類發現了神族在豐產礦區域建造的第二個分基地。人類部隊決定推進,神族玩家也開始建造幾個光子炮試圖防禦新建的分基地。隱匿的女妖轟炸機消滅了巨像,並配合地面部隊消滅了神族地面部隊。

  16:30 – The cloaked banshees are forced to retreat when the protoss observer moves in, allowing the stalkers to see the invisible aircraft.

  16:30 – 隱匿的女妖轟炸機被迫撤退,因為神族的偵察艇及時趕到,潛行者發現了它們。

  16:45 – Terran marauders and hellions flood into the protoss expansion, easily cutting through the defenses.

  16:45 – 人類的掠奪者和地獄戰車湧進了神族的分基地,輕易地瓦解了基地的防禦力量。

  17:45 – The marauders sweep into the last remaining protoss expansion, with the probes desperately trying to chase off the attackers. Many probes get picked off by the marauders as they’re kited away from the base.

  17:45 – 大勢已去,掠奪者一路掃蕩至神族最後的分基地,成群的偵查兵絕望地衝向入侵者以圖拼死一搏,結果大量偵查兵被掠奪者無情地消滅。

  19:00 – Another force of hellions and marauders sweeps across the map to finish off the protoss.

  19:00 – 另一波地獄戰車與掠奪者的混合編制部隊正在掃蕩整個地圖,試圖消滅殘存的神族。





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