《英雄聯盟》角色搖滾樂團「殺五社 Pentakill」釋出歌曲新 MV 影片

(GNN 記者 Jessica 報導) 2017-08-03 16:00:36

  由《英雄聯盟》遊戲中角色組成的搖滾樂團「殺五社 Pentakill」歌曲「Mortal Reminder」新 MV 曝光,新成員「凱爾」也同時現身影片中。
  「殺五社 Pentakill」是由《英雄聯盟》搖滾樂手「卡爾瑟斯」、搖滾吉他手「魔鬥凱薩」、搖滾鼓手「歐拉夫」、搖滾鍵盤手「索娜」以及搖滾貝斯手「約瑞科」所組成的搖滾樂團。他們自 2014 年推出首張專輯後,近期釋出的第二張專輯「Grasp of the Undying」加入新成員「凱爾」。
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  今日官方釋出新歌曲「Mortal Reminder」MV 影片。
Blinded by hate brought by the fall
As I swear death to all
You will feel my vengeance
As I claim your mortal soul
I will punish and destroy
Those responsible for this ploy
I will seek a thousand deaths
I will bring a thousand years of war
All that I had taken away
My home is gone, and my love ones slain
For every sleep claims a piece of me
Every waking moment, every single dream
As the masses came
Like a shadow through this land
They laid siege to all we ever had
I stood strong, I was honor bound
I stand defiant, I stand ever proud
I am the chosen
I am the guardian, the guardian
Now I seek the blood of those
Who claimed the innocent
I will hunt the enemy to the last
I will banish and rejoice
The final breath of foes
You will see what you have made
You will see what I have finally become
All that I had laid to the waste
My spirit broken and just memories remain
For every day claims a piece of me
Every waking hour claims my inner peace
My inner peace
As the masses came
Like a shadow through this land
They laid siege to all we ever had
I stood strong, I was honor bound
I stand defiant, I stand ever proud
I am the chosen
I am the guardian, the guardian




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