
(GNN 記者 Jessica 報導) 2017-07-24 18:09:53

  由《英雄聯盟》遊戲中角色組成的搖滾樂團「Pentakill」第二張專輯「Grasp of the Undying」即將推出,兩首新歌曲近日搶先曝光。
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  「Pentakill」是由《英雄聯盟》搖滾樂手「卡爾瑟斯」、搖滾吉他手「魔鬥凱薩」、搖滾鼓手「歐拉夫」、搖滾鍵盤手「索娜」以及搖滾貝斯手「約瑞科」所組成的搖滾樂團。他們自 2014 年推出首張專輯後(可參考此篇 GNN 新聞),第二張專輯「Grasp of the Undying」今年即將釋出。
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  近日,「Pentakill」搶先曝光新專輯中的兩首歌曲「Tear of the Goddess」與「The Bloodthirster」。
「Tear of the Goddess」
The unknown terror
That stood alone
Passed from the days of the early suns
Through worlds of lost belief
Laid waste and buried deep
Summoned to be set up to fall
But there’s no fear
That lives inside this soul
Inside this world
There is no way back to forgiving us
Undone, deliverer
The sinful and the saviors of the innocent
And so
Keepers of old
Keep us from cold
Let us fight once more
Till our honor is restored
The unknown terror
That lives below
Breaths the flames from the dying suns
And lives to wake the dying ones
The dying ones
The dying ones
(The dying ones)
(The dying ones)
Inside this world
There is no way back to forgiving us
Undone, deliverer
The sinful and the saviors of the innocent
And so
Keepers of old
Keep us from cold
Let us fight once more
Till our honor is restored
「The Bloodthirster」
Cast down the weak
Those who deceived us
Those who would let us burn
Liars and cheats
Brittle and weak
Another day will come

Crawling on your knees right to the end
I let you pretend you had your last days
Calling for me to disappear
I cannot be so easily sent forth

As you descended on them
You carry their memories of endless pain
As remnants to their end
One after one
You sever them, sever them

Sever, sever your demons deep within
A shadow that’s been long instilled

Cast down the weak
Those who deceived us
Those who would let us burn
Liars and cheats
Brittle and weak
Another day will come

Torment so easily dispensed
You tried to break our will but you failed
Calling the serpentine flame
Until we were just dust and remains

As you descended on them
You carry their memories of endless pain
As remnants to their end
One after one
You sever them, sever them

Cast down the weak
Those who deceived us
Those who would let us burn
Liars and cheats
Brittle and weak
Another day will come

Cast down the weak
Those who would flee us
Those who would let us burn
Liars and cheats
Feeble and weak
I see them
Another day will
Another day will
Another day will come




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